close up of lady neckWith the holidays approaching, many of us are suddenly becoming more aware of our appearance. As you prepare for your annual family pictures and encounters with long lost relatives, the wrinkles and lines on your face and neck may seem to be more noticeable. You might even have excess skin in the neck, often called a “turkey wattle,” that makes you appear older than your real age. Since the neck is an area where aging is so readily revealed, we’ve made a list of advantages for improving this area.

Create Definition

A sagging neck, either from old age or genetics, can make your entire face appear longer, give the appearance of a “double chin,” and can age your profile substantially. By creating division between the face and the neck, the jawline frames the face, and more angular features create youthfulness. Many celebrities who are considered to be the most attractive by today’s standards have a more chiseled jawline, such as Jennifer Aniston and some of the top models.

Don’t Distract

Whether you meet someone for the first time or the hundredth time, you don’t want them to be distracted by the appearance of your neck. By choosing the neck lift, you can erase deep wrinkles and sagging skin that might even move when you talk. Others should be drawn to your eyes or mouth when you speak; you don’t want your neck to make the lasting impression.

Look Younger and Lighter

The neck lift often involves liposuction along with tightening the neck muscles and skin. This definition can make you appear several pounds lighter while taking years off of your appearance. This small adjustment can completely change your look in a positive way.

For those people who have excess fat beneath the chin without wrinkles, Kybella is a non-invasive procedure that can deliver stunning results, and for some patients, it may be the better choice.

No matter your age, weight, or genetic predisposition, you may be a candidate for neck rejuvenation at Mission Plastic Surgery. Dr. Doezie will evaluate your health history, physical anatomy, and desired results to help determine the best surgical approach.