Having ageless youth is the heartfelt desire of many. This desire has led to the development of countless anti-aging or age-delaying treatments and procedures. The pursuit to find the fountain of youth has yet proved futile, but the journey to achieving a more youthful appearance can be entirely profitable. If you desire to look younger, you can undergo eyelid surgery, a surgical procedure that manipulates the eyelid tissues to restore a more youthful visage.

Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

Countering the Effects of Aging

The aging process slowly wreaks havoc on the body by slowing down the body’s systems and the production of certain crucial hormones, proteins, and other necessary substances. As skin that was once plump and soft will over time become dry and wrinkled, so will eyelids that were once bright and alluring develop puffiness, wrinkles, bags, and sagging. Countering the effects of aging around the eyes requires no mystical potion but rather a proven surgical technique performed by the practiced hand of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Allen Doezie. Dr. Doezie can restore your eyes so that they appear more youthful and vibrant, causing you to look more rejuvenated on the whole.

The Eyelid Surgery Procedure

The techniques employed in eyelid surgery target those areas most commonly affected by aging. Specifically, Dr. Doezie will remove excess skin, tissue, and fat located in the upper and lower eyelids. Dr. Doezie will take care to eliminate only the excess tissue that contributes to your aged appearance, leaving you with tighter and firmer tissues around the eyes. This process allows him to get rid of eyelid puffiness, eliminate bags under the eyes, and abolish eyelid sagging and drooping. Essentially, the eyelid surgery procedure restores youthful softness and a more refreshed look to the eyes so that you can disguise your years and achieve a more youthful appearance.

Dr. Doezie performs eyelid surgery to help patients look more youthful, rejuvenated, and confident. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Doezie today to find out if this procedure is appropriate for you. Call (949) 481–9850 or complete our online contact form to reserve your appointment now.