Closeup view of a young woman body chest breast with braBreast procedures are widely considered the gold standard of plastic surgery. When hearing “cosmetic surgery,” people tend to think of these types of procedures, and this is for a good reason—breast augmentation is the most requested surgery. Breast procedures fall into three categories: breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast lift. While there are individuals who achieve their desired results with only one of these procedures, many patients would be better suited combining their augmentation or reduction surgery with a breast lift. Combining breast lift surgery with your augmentation or reduction not only takes your results to the next level but can be more cost-effective, as well.

Breast Augmentation and Breast Lift

Combining breast augmentation and breast lift surgery is commonly performed after women have experienced pregnancy and breastfeeding or a significant amount of weight loss. Typically, younger women who have not experienced the above can have beautiful results with breast augmentation surgery alone. However, with pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight loss, the skin on your breasts expands rapidly and adjusts to the added weight of the fat and breast tissue that develops. When the fat is lost, the breast skin doesn’t bounce back, thus resulting in excess skin, sagging breasts (ptosis), and a change in position (such as the position of your nipples). If this is the case for you, then simply adding breast implants will not “fill the void” left by pregnancy or weight loss. Additionally, a breast lift alone will not add volume to your breasts. In fact, as the skin is lifted and the excess trimmed, some women find that the size of their breasts appear to decrease even though volume isn’t removed. If you are interested in obtaining larger, perkier breasts and you have some extent of breast sagging, then combining breast lift surgery with your augmentation is the best way to ensure the most stunning results.

Breast Reduction

Overly large breasts can both damage your confidence and be physically uncomfortable. While breast reduction surgery removes excess fat and breast tissue, it is also designed to lift the breasts. Dr. Doezie often combines liposuction to the lateral chest area on the side of the breasts during breast reduction surgery. Most women who have large, heavy breasts experience some amount of breast ptosis simply from gravity taking its toll. Breast reduction surgery allows your breasts to sit in the proper location on your chest, resulting in the nipple position you desire. Because breast reduction surgery includes a breast lift, your smaller breasts can sit higher, the skin will be tighter, and your confidence will soar.