Body Contouring with LiposuctionExercise and diet sometimes fail to produce the body contours that people desire because they cannot easily target specific areas of the body. The art of body contouring requires skill, technique, and technology. Using these three components, Dr. Allen Doezie conducts the art of body contouring with liposuction. This procedure enables the controlled removal of excess localized fat deposits using suction techniques to improve body contour.

Purpose of Liposuction

The purpose of liposuction is to:

  • Remove excess fat deposits from target areas.
  • Provide body contouring for areas such as the waistline, hips, buttocks, thighs, arms, and even the neck and chin.
  • Permanently improve body shape as long as body weight is maintained.

Good Candidates for Body Contouring

Good candidates for body contouring:

  • Have excess fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.
  • Are non-smokers.
  • Are close to their ideal body weight. (This is not a weight-loss procedure.)
  • Have realistic expectations.
  • Are in good health with no serious or life-threatening health conditions.
  • Have strong skin elasticity.

Body Contouring Procedure Techniques

The body contouring procedure involves making small, inconspicuous incisions in the target area, inserting a cannula or thin tube through the incisions, and suctioning out the fat. There are various techniques used to assist the process, and Dr. Doezie performs several different assisted techniques with liposuction. During your personal consultation with him, he will determine which technique is best for you. These techniques include:

  • Tumescent Liposuction: A large volume of diluted local anesthetic is injected into the fatty tissue, causing it to swell and become firm. This makes the fat removal easier and prevents blood and fluid loss.
  • Ultrasonic Liposuction: Ultrasonic, high-pitched sound waves liquefy the fat so that it is easier to remove. This is especially useful if the target area is the chin, neck, knees, or other areas that are difficult to treat.
  • Super Wet Liposuction: A diluted local anesthetic (less than the amount used in the tumescent technique) is injected into the fatty tissue to make it swollen and firm. This technique also requires general anesthesia.

Real Body Contouring

An experienced board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Allen Doezie can use skills, technology, and technique to contour your body with liposuction. Where diet and exercise fail to adequately contour your body in the way that you desire, liposuction can succeed in artistically shaping your body so that you have a more aesthetically pleasing figure.
With liposuction, Dr. Allen Doezie can perform the art of body contouring to improve your body shape. Call 949.481.9850 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your personal consultation with him today.