You may feel like your eyes age faster than any other area of your face, and that’s because truthfully, they do. The skin around your eyes is amongst the thinnest anywhere on your body, and between that and the fact that you both blink and move your forehead and brows constantly every day, it shouldn’t be a surprise that the upper part of your face often appears “older” than the lower. To go beyond that, aging in the eyes and brows can significantly impact your entire appearance, as your eyes are responsible for conveying emotion. When aging sets in, so do tired, worn-out, sad, or even angry expressions on your face. Cosmetic surgery to enhance the appearance of aged eyes can rejuvenate your face and return youthfulness. While this sounds ideal, it can become complicated when you have to decide which of the two surgical options to choose: eyelid surgery or a brow lift. In case you are unsure of which may be right for you, here’s a little clarification.

Eyelid Surgery

Doezie Eyelid Surgery PatientHaving excess skin and fatty tissue around the eyes can be both aesthetically displeasing as well as detrimental to your field of vision. Eyelid surgery addresses the top and bottom eyelids specifically. If you are experiencing sagging of the eyelids under the brow or drooping beneath the eyes, then eyelid surgery may be right for you. Puffiness of the upper eye or bags beneath the eye due to excess fatty tissue is addressed with eyelid surgery, as these pockets and excess skin is removed through the procedure. Allow yourself to regain control of expressing your emotions and improving your vision through eyelid surgery.

Brow Lift

Doezie Brow Lift PatientBrow lift surgery addresses the sagging and placement of the brows while minimizing the lines and wrinkles on the forehead. This is where the choice between eyelid surgery and a brow lift can become confusing. Often, patients feel like the sagging of their upper eyes is due to the excess skin and tissue in the eyelid (thus requiring eyelid surgery); however, in some cases, the excess skin above the eye is actually due to the gravitational force of a heavy, drooping brow. In these cases, a brow lift will not only return the brow to a youthful placement, but it can correct the appearance of the sagging skin below, also.

How Can These Procedures Be Combined?

Often, patients find that their eye-related complaints fall under both categories, heavy brows and excess skin and fat on the eyelids. For these patients, combining eyelid surgery with a brow lift can be what transforms their upper face. By combining these procedures, Dr. Doezie can ensure that your face remains balanced and harmonious, where one aspect will not outweigh the other. This combination is necessary for patients that have both sagging brows and excess fatty tissue, since treating one without the other can either not provide significant results or can make the untreated issue more pronounced. The goal of any surgery is to create balance, and combining these procedures can allow for that.

For more information about either eyelid surgery or a brow lift, call Dr. Doezie today at 949- 481-9850 to set up a consultation.