Although breast augmentation is a very popular and safe procedure, there are certain things patients should consider before deciding it is right for them.

1. Revision Is Sometimes Necessary

Women should consider breast augmentation surgery with the knowledge that implant replacement may be necessary or desired in the future. Statistics have shown that after 10 years, women often decide that revision surgery is needed for one reason or another. Complications may be the deciding factor, or the woman may simply want a newer implant type, a larger or smaller size, or a more natural-looking shape. However, just because it has been 10 years doesn’t necessarily mean a woman’s implants need to be revised.

Before and After Breast Augmentation2. Your Final Result May Not Be Apparent Right After Surgery

Your breasts will be noticeably larger after surgery, but swelling will be present and may last three weeks or longer. Many times, the implants will rest high on the chest initially but settle into their intended position on the chest after a few weeks.

3. Implant Placement Matters

If you are thin or have thin skin, you should carefully consider whether you have your implants placed above or below the pectoral muscle. If you choose saline implants placed above the muscle, the risk increases for implant rippling showing through the skin. Women who naturally have more breast tissue to disguise any rippling are better candidates for saline implants placed above the muscle. While submuscular placement involves a slightly more uncomfortable recovery, the final result is often more natural looking and significantly reduces the risks of developing capsular contracture.

4. One Size Does Not Fit All

A set of breasts on one woman will not look the same on another, which is why every patient is evaluated individually. Careful consideration of the size and shape you desire, your chest width and overall frame, and your current health are taken to provide you with the best possible result.

5. Do You Also Need a Breast Lift?

If you have sagging breasts or nipples that point downward, you may be better suited for a breast lift or for a combination procedure that includes both a breast lift and a breast augmentation. A breast lift corrects any sagging skin and places the breasts into a higher, youthful position on the chest, while a breast augmentation increases the size of the breasts only.

6. Are You Finished Having Children?

While it is safe to have a breast augmentation before you are finished having children, you should carefully consider the decision. No matter how little weight you gain during or after pregnancy, your breasts will change in size and shape during that time, which can affect their resulting appearance. There is also a chance that certain incision techniques can impact future breastfeeding success. If you are considering having children and breastfeeding after your breast augmentation, talk to your surgeon about the best techniques for your needs.

To schedule your consultation for breast augmentation with Dr. Doezie, call (949) 481-9850 or fill out our online contact form today for more information.