Breast Cancer Awareness MonthOctober is Breast Cancer Awareness month, an initiative organized to raise awareness of the disease. The goal is to educate, support, and encourage regular cancer screenings and self-breast exams to promote early breast cancer detection. For those who do discover breast cancer, the decision-making process for treatment can be overwhelming. Since many cancer sufferers and survivors are unaware of the options available to them for breast reconstruction after cancer treatment (mastectomy or lumpectomy), the third Wednesday of every October has been dedicated Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day (BRA Day) to raise awareness of the surgical options available.

BRA Day is a collaborative effort between the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The Plastic Surgery Foundation, plastic surgeons specializing in breast surgery, nurse navigators, corporate partners, breast cancer support groups, and organizations. This year, Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day falls on Oct. 18.

Here are a few facts about breast reconstruction following breast cancer treatment:

  • The timing of treatment for breast cancer and the timing of reconstruction surgery greatly impacts breast reconstruction options and results.
  • There is a wide range of breast cancer reconstruction options available.
  • Most women are unaware of the type of results they can expect with breast reconstruction.

Results of Breast Reconstruction Surgery

The decision to undergo breast reconstruction surgery after cancer treatment is extremely personal. Patients should choose the procedure only if they feel it will improve their overall quality of life and enhance their self-esteem. While every outcome and surgical approach will be unique, it is important for potential patients to be aware of a few things:

  • A reconstructed breast will not be the same as a natural breast. It will not have the same sensation and feel. If the nipple was removed during mastectomy or lumpectomy, many patients have a natural-looking nipple tattooed onto their reconstructed breast.
  • Scars from incision lines will be visible on the reconstructed breast, and they may be present in other areas of the body if tissue was harvested from those areas to help create the new breast.
  • If only one breast was affected, it alone could be reconstructed. A supplemental procedure may be performed to make the breasts more even. Whether this procedure is a breast augmentation (implant) or breast lift will depend on the desires and physical anatomy of the patient.
  • Many women experience sensation loss at the chest wall after mastectomy, which is permanent.

In spite of the limitations of the procedure, breast reconstruction has many benefits to the patient, including a restored sense of femininity and wholeness.

The Cost of Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction surgery is covered by health insurance, but it may only provide a small portion of the total cost, which can vary greatly. Total cost for breast reconstruction will depend on the surgeon’s experience and the geographic location of the surgery. Other costs will include anesthesia fees, prescription costs, the cost of post-surgery garments, and the cost of any medical tests and X-rays. Be sure to check with your insurance provider to learn about your options. Dr. Doezie is happy to help you navigate the overwhelming process and work with your other doctors to help “close the loop” on breast cancer.