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Women choose breast implants removal for various reasons: they no longer like the look of their large breasts, their breasts have changed due to weight gain or age, or their implants have simply become a nuisance. 

topless woman holds her hands over her breasts, which feature dotted lines under the breast line suggesting cosmetic surgery

A woman’s choice is always her own, which is why Dr. Doezie offers many options for breast implant removal and revision, no matter what route his patients decide. As breast implant removal becomes more common, many patients wonder if breast implant removal can be done under local anesthesia — and the answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no! 

Below, we will discuss the different options patients have for their breast implant removal and revision and which instances may require local or general anesthesia. 

When Is Local Anesthesia Used for Breast Implant Removal?

Local anesthesia is the medication of choice when a patient undergoes a minor procedure, as it involves numbing a specific area of the body while the patient remains “conscious.” These procedures can be performed in-office, meaning they do not require a full surgical site. 

Patients may prefer local anesthesia for breast implant removal, as local anesthesia is generally less expensive than general, has fewer associated risks, and allows patients to recover quicker from its effects. 

However, local anesthesia is only used in specific cases of breast implant removal, such as:

  • There are no additional procedures combined with the breast implant removal
  • The patient has no complications with their breast implants, such as capsular contractures or silicone ruptures

This is just a general overview of who may qualify for breast implant removal under local anesthesia, as each patient is completely different, and a consultation with your plastic surgeon is necessary to determine your eligibility. 

When Would I Need General Anesthesia for My Breast Implant Removal?

Some breast implant removals require more extensive surgery. If you have a rupture or have an additional surgery combined with your breast implant removal, general anesthesia may be necessary. 

General anesthesia ensures the patient is unconscious for the surgery, resulting in no pain or knowledge of the process. While there may be some nausea or grogginess after the procedure, general anesthesia guarantees comfort for the patient. 

Breast Lift

If you remove your breast implants and want to improve sagging breasts, you may combine your removal with a breast lift

Breast implants can contribute to the natural sagging of the breasts over time, as there may be added weight that stretches the breast tissue and skin. Alternatively, weight fluctuations and pregnancy may have affected skin laxity around your breasts, even with your implants. 

A breast lift can remove excess skin and tissue around the breasts, resulting in perkier, more youthful breasts. 

Breast Implant Revision

Be it from ruptures, shifting implants, or dissatisfaction with prior procedures, you may want to revise your breast implants rather than remove them. In this case, Dr. Doezie may be able to perform a breast implant revision to improve your breasts. 

Breast Reduction

Even if you had smaller breasts earlier in your life, this could change with weight gain, hormone changes, or pregnancy. Some women undergo breast augmentation to enhance their naturally small breasts, only for their breast tissue to become larger later in life! In this case, a breast reduction may be necessary along with your breast implant removal. 

If you suffer from back pain, a lack of mobility, or other issues due to overly large breasts, Dr. Doezie can help you reduce your breasts by removing excess tissue and reshaping the breasts for a more aesthetically pleasing frame. 

Breast Surgeries at Mission Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Center

No matter your concerns, you deserve a plastic surgeon with the knowledge and compassion to help you reach your goals. Dr. Doezie understands that each patient is unique and deserves specialized care. 

While we have provided some examples of when local and general anesthesia may be appropriate, your case may be different. It’s important to schedule your consultation with Dr. Doezie so he can create a personalized treatment plan to get you the body you desire. 

Interested in Learning More About Breast Implant Removal in Ladera Ranch, CA?

Mission Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Center offers a wide range of breast surgeries to suit your needs, including breast augmentation and breast implant size change. Our Ladera Ranch board-certified plastic surgeon and helpful staff are ready to help you reach your breast and body goals. 

Call us today at (949) 481-9850 or complete our online contact form to schedule a consultation.