Each patient’s experience after breast augmentation will vary based on their body and the techniques utilized, such as the incision locations, the implant style and size, and where implants are placed. Dr. Doezie performs breast augmentation surgery using his expertise and advanced technology to achieve the desired results. By following your post-operative instructions and the tips provided below, you can ensure that your recuperation is as comfortable and safe as possible.

Breast Augmentation Bandage

What to Expect

Directly following your surgery, your chest will be wrapped in a surgical ace wrap, and you may feel dizzy and tired. A surgical bra and compression bandages will be used to support the breasts and protect incisions during your recovery. The breast implants may initially feel hard and sit in a higher position on your chest, which is normal. Over time, they will soften and settle into the desired position. Most patients can walk around on their own a few hours after surgery and feel ready to leave their home within the next day or two. Many patients experience pain and some nausea directly after surgery, especially those who have a sensitivity to anesthesia.

Two to Three Days After Surgery

At this point, most patients experience mild to moderate pain, swelling, and bruising. Oral pain medication will be prescribed to ease discomfort as well as a pain pump administering numbing medication. Taking a shower is alright after the fourth day or after the pain pump is removed. Patients who opt for implant placement below the muscle typically have a more difficult recovery compared to when implants are placed above the muscle.

One Week After Surgery

In most cases, patients can resume work and light activities after one week. Bending, lifting, and other strenuous movements should be avoided. A post-operative appointment may be scheduled at this time to examine your breasts and the progress of your recovery.

Two Weeks After Surgery

Many patients resume normal daily activities and feel back to normal at the end of the second week. Vigorous movement or exercise should still be avoided at this point.

Four Weeks After Surgery

Patients typically feel entirely healed at this point and are able to begin gentle exercising. Chest exercises should continue to be avoided.

Six Weeks After Surgery

All symptoms should subside by this point. Exercising, taking baths, sleeping position, and wearing a bra of your choice are all cleared. At this time, your implants will have fully settled.

Tips For Your Recovery

Your comfort and an expedient recovery are very important to Dr. Doezie, so some tips are listed below to help you recover quickly and comfortably.


  • Carefully follow all post-procedure instructions.
  • Take prescription medications as directed. It may be beneficial to get all prescriptions filled prior to surgery, so that they are readily available when you get home.
  • Avoid physical exertion for the first week to focus on relaxing and recovering.
  • Attend all of your post-operative appointments.
  • Continue to wear your surgical bra and dressings as instructed.
  • Ensure that you are resting and getting plenty of sleep.
  • Eat light, healthy meals.
  • Drink plenty of water to remain hydrated.
  • Take one week off from work, and have a friend or loved one care for you the first day (if you have children, it is best to arrange childcare for the first three days).
  • Wear clothing that is loose-fitting. Avoid any tops that require lifting your arms to put on.
  • Gently manipulate your breast implants as advised by your surgeon.
  • Sleep on your back, propping yourself up with pillows. Avoid sleeping on your side or stomach for the first six weeks.
  • Limit physical activities targeting the chest or running, jumping, and other movements that cause the breasts to bounce until you are fully healed.

Before and After Breast Augmentatin


Once you’ve fully recovered, breasts will have settled into the desired position with a softer feeling. The results from breast augmentation surgery may be dramatic or subtle, depending on your personal goals and preferences. Regardless of the implant type, size, shape, or texture, breasts will be fuller with enhanced curves.


If you are considering breast augmentation or would like more information about the procedure, please call our office today at (949) 481-9850.